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Starting Over In 2020

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In 2011, starting over out of frustration from working retail and hospitality jobs, I created LRD Virtual Admin Service. I mainly did administrative and web design work from my home office. It was definitely a learning experience. I struggled a lot with trying to find clients and projects in the beginning.

When I landed my first meeting with a potential client, I was very nervous, but excited at the same time. This person saw me as a personal pet project to try to morph me into her own image.

With me not really knowing anything in the beginning, I went with the flow and rolled with the punches.

Throughout the process, I gained a few clients, which was great. As time went on, I felt more like a doormat to be walked on 24/7. On top of that, I felt like they were trying to change me in someone I didn’t like or want. The one thing that bothered me was the lack of respect I received when it came to my personal choices.

What I meant by this is that I’m not religious, and to be honest with you, I will never be. I’ve tried in the past to get into it for my mom, family members, and even my husband. I just don’t feel it and I just wish people would just leave me the hell alone about it.

What does starting over look like for me in 2020?

So I’m starting over again, taking time off, and seeking therapy for my PTSD / BPD, I decided to completely take my website down and rebuild it from scratch. The plan in my head is to make my website in my own image. I did some soul-searching and realized that I no longer want to be a Virtual Assistant anymore or assist people in that way. I still plan on offering web design services, but that is all as I still have a passion for web design.

If you are reading this, then you might be asking yourself, what is the point of your website then? Well, the point of my website is to have a place to list my web design services. It is also a place where I can write freely on topics ranging from business tips to dealing with a chronic illness to anything I feel like writing about.

I also have a podcast where I interview a variety of guests from entrepreneurs to authors to entertainers and more as we discuss topics from business to life and everything in between. I plan to give it a home here.

Also, I am working on my YouTube Channel and plan on making videos to go along with my blog. Other plans include a shop for my products and books that I am currently working on.

Current Events While Starting Over

Starting OverAlso, during this time since we are in a pandemic, I plan on staying inside my home as much as possible as I have a compromised immune system thanks to Gastroparesis, a chronic symptomatic disorder I was born with.

On top of that, being around anyone wearing a mask causes me to go into a panic attack every time. So until the world goes back to normal or at least to the point where I can leave my home without seeing a mask everywhere I go, in my home office I will stay. I hope everyone stays safe out there and for those who are sick, I wish you a quick recovery.

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